Pensacola Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA)

The City of Pensacola Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) is in the process of updating its long-range plans. One of these is the ‘Urban Core’ plan that most impacts our neighborhood. Earlier this week, Christy and Rick Emmanuel attended a CRA Zoom call with a breakout session on the Urban Core plan. It is there understanding from this meeting that the CRA cannot fund projects unless they are included within their updated plan.

Many items were discussed by the participants including but not limited to: the upkeep of Seville Square; sidewalk disrepair; parking; traffic flow challenges; the need for synchronization of traffic lights; the need for crosswalks on Bayfront; flooding areas of concern; and more.  

There will be an open house meeting at City Hall on Wednesday, June 26, 2024, from 4-7 p.m. where plans can be reviewed and citizens can meet with staff to provide input. You can also visit the CRA Redevelopment Plan Update page at to provide input and comments by completing a questionnaire; viewing an interactive map where pins can be ‘dropped’ to show areas/items that need improvement; and inputting suggestions in the comment box. You can also provide them with your email address and/or cell phone number to receive future updates regarding any future CRA meetings on the plan update, and to provide input on areas of concern by visiting the CRA website. If we can get some of our association’s top priorities included in the Urban Core plan, such as parking, Seville Square upkeep, sidewalk repairs, etc., then there may be a mechanism to obtain funding for these items in the future.

Everyone is encouraged to attend the meeting on June 26th and any future CRA meetings on the plan update, and to provide input on areas of concern by visiting the CRA website. If we can get some of our association’s top priorities included in the Urban Core plan, such as parking, Seville Square upkeep, sidewalk repairs, etc., then there may be a mechanism to obtain funding for these items in the future.

On May 28, there was a CRA Plan Update: Urban Core Community Workshop. The Pensacola CRA is updating the Community Redevelopment Plans for the Eastside, Westside, and Urban Core.


  • The redevelopment plans are 15+ years old — it’s time to update them to reflect the community’s priorities

  • The Community Redevelopment Plans will outline future improvements and prioritize projects for funding and implementation

  • We need to hear from residents, local business owners, and stakeholders to understand your needs, priorities, and visions

You can download the presentation at this link.


See you in the neighborhood.


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