Join Us

The Seville Square Historic District Neighborhood Association welcomes your interest! You can actively participate or stay informed from a distance.


Why be a Member?

  • Advocacy and Representation: Have a unified voice in local government and influence decisions impacting the neighborhood.

  • Safety and Security: Join initiatives promoting safety and access resources for a secure environment.

  • Community Engagement: Participate in neighborhood events and build strong relationships with neighbors.

  • Information and Resources: Receive updates on local projects and issues and connect with city contacts and services.

  • Networking Opportunities: Meet other residents and local organizations and share resources and ideas for improvement.

  • Support and Assistance: Contact Neighborhood Services and city departments and get support for community needs and concerns.

  • Influence and Input: Participate in planning and land use decisions and vote on key issues and leadership roles.

  • Historical Preservation: Help preserve the historical character and engage in heritage protection projects.

  • Eligibility for City Programs: Apply for city grants and improvement programs.

  • Exclusive Events and Activities: Attend member-only events and workshops.


Membership Information

  • Review Documents: Check out our mission and bylaws to understand our framework.

  • Join Us: Complete the membership form below and pay the annual dues of $35.

  • Eligibility: Membership is open to all residents 18 and older within the defined boundaries.

  • Questions?: Contact us for any assistance you need



The neighborhood’s boundaries extend from

Tarragona Street to the west,

Bayfront Parkway to the south, (coastline)

Garden and Chase streets to the north, and

Ninth Avenue to the east

(excluding the newly-established Aragon Neighborhood).