The Seville Square Historic District Neighborhood Association's Board of Directors is a committed group of volunteers elected from our membership. They work diligently to oversee our mission: to preserve and promote a safe, vibrant, and beautiful neighborhood for all to enjoy. The Board manages activities, oversees projects, and represents the interests of our community.

Our nine-member Board does not address code enforcement or neighbor disputes but advocates for the neighborhood with local governments on matters such as zoning, permitting, and safety concerns. For issues related to parks, streets, streetlights, or sidewalks, please contact the City directly or use Pensacola 311 to report them.


Monthly board meetings are held at 5:30PM on the second Wednesday of each month. Committees meet as needed.

Current members are welcome to attend Board meetings as observers. Members and guests can address the Board during the Open Forum when on the agenda (please request time in advance). Meeting dates, times, and locations are subject to change—contact the Board for the latest information at or through the contact section of this website.


The 2024 Board of Directors

  1. Linda Webb, President

  2. Joe Bernard, Vice President

  3. Ann Carver, Treasurer

  4. Chuck Presti, Secretary

  5. Rick Emmanuel

  6. Scott Holland

  7. Ron Kilpatrick

  8. Mike Saxon

  9. Kathy Tanner



  • The board of directors, hereinafter
    referred to as the Board, shall be composed of no more than nine members.

  • a. MANAGEMENT: The Board shall manage the affairs of the Association in the interim between general meetings. The Board shall be accountable to the members.

    b. VACANCIES: The Board may fill any vacancy on the Board or a committee by majority vote of the Board. A member appointed to fill a vacancy shall serve the remainder of the unexpired term.

    c. BOARD MEETINGS: The Board shall meet at least quarterly during the year, or at any other time the President may designate, and at least fourteen days prior to any general membership or special meeting These meetings shall be open session; however only Board members may vote. A quorum for board meetings shall be fifty percent plus one of the Board members; decisions shall be made by majority vote. Directors shall be notified of board meetings in writing or by telephone at least two days in advance of the meeting. A majority of Board members may call a board, general or special meeting as deemed necessary.

  • ELIGIBILITY: Only members shall be qualified to hold an elected position. TERM OF THE BOARD: Members of the Board shall be elected to serve for two

    NUMBERING OF SEATS: The Board seats shall be numbered from one through the final number of board members and these number designations shall remain and determine year of election. Even numbered seats will be elected in even numbered years and odd numbered seats will be elected in odd numbered years.

    The first election of the Board:
    a. If in an even numbered year will elect odd numbered seats for one year.
    b. If in an odd numbered year will elect even numbered seats for one year.
    Subsequent to this election, all seats will be elected to two-year terms.

    METHOD OF ELECTION: Elections shall be held at the annual meeting. Candidates shall be nominated from the floor. If two candidates are nominated, election requires a majority vote of the membership present. If more than two candidates are nominated, a plurality of the vote will be sufficient.

    REMOVAL FROM OFFICE: Any holder of an elected office may be removed and replaced by a two-thirds vote of a general or special meeting of the membership. Removal does not require cause.

  • There shall be at least two general membership meetings yearly held on days decided upon by the majority vote of the board of directors. Notification for all meetings shall require seven days advance written or telephone notice to all members of the Association.

  • One membership meeting shall be designated as the annual meeting. At this meeting:
    a. The President shall report on the state of the Association
    b. The Treasurer shall give an annual financial report
    c. Elections for members of the board of directors shall be held

  • A special meeting of the membership may be called by the President or by a majority of the board of directors as deemed necessary. Notification and purpose of the special meeting shall require seven days advance written or telephone notice to all members of the Association.

  • The President shall prepare the agenda for general and special meetings of the membership. Any member may suggest an item to be added to the agenda by submitting the item in writing to the President at least 10 days in advance of the membership meeting. Any member of the Association may make a motion to add an item to the board, general or special agendas at those respective meetings. Adoption of that motion requires a second and majority vote.

  • A quorum for any general or special meeting of the Association shall be a minimum of five members of the Association. Unless otherwise specified in these bylaws, decisions of the Association shall be made by a majority vote of those members present at any meeting

  • Any general, special, or committee meeting is open to any member and any member’s guest. However, only members are entitled to vote.

  • All members shall have one vote each to be cast during attendance at any general or special meeting.

  • The Association shall follow Roberts Rules of Order (revised) in all areas not covered by the bylaws.